Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Di Bandung September 2013

Lowongan Kerja Terupdate akan menympaikan artikel yang berjudul Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Di Bandung September 2013 dimana tersebut merupakan informasi yang datang pada bulan September.Mungkin lowongan ini cocok untuk anda yang ingin mendapatkan pekerjaan didaerah Bandung.  Berikut Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Di Bandung September 2013

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Di Bandung September 2013

PT Arga Arta Utama

Kami adalah perusahaan dengan bisnis utama adalah penjualan alat rumah tangga, khususnya kompor gas dan rice cooker. Sejak berdiri tahun 1995, kami telah memiliki Kantor cabang di berbagai kota besar di pulau Jawa. Dengan segmen masyarakat menengah-bawah. Kami juga memproduksi sendiri produk yang kami jual yaitu kompor gas dan akan terus dikembangkan ke produk lain. Dengan lokasi pabrik di Jakarta Timur dan Cikarang.

Admin Area Bandung - PT Arga Arta Utama

Usia maks 27
Pendidikan min D3
Memiliki pengalaman dibidang yang sama
Mengerti MS Office (Ms. Word, Excel, Power point)
Lokasi Penempatan BANDUNG

Closing Date: 29-Sep-13

PT Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir

JNE is a national leading company that provides one stop service solution for Logistics and Distribution, which are city courier, domestic courier, international courier, logistics and distribution, international sea and air cargo, moving, trucking, and warehousing, express custom clearance, airport escort, and money transfer. We are currently looking for candidates who have core competency: Honest, Visionary, Responsible, andiscipline for this following position :

Head of Dept. Accounting & Finance Branch Bandung - PT Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir

Coordinate the activities of the accounting and financial controls and financial information system
Conduct kontroling to process financial transactions that occur
Ensure all processes transactions in accordance with SOP
Perform control functions of the system of financial information
Implement control and supervision of the financial sector according to the targets set
2. Performed an analysis of financial statements and accounting reports
Ensure proper financial statements are presented accurately
Creating an analysis by TSB report
To evaluate the financial condition of the company
3. Supervision and control of RAB and fulfillment
Creating and analyzing RAB
Verification of the budget prior to the payment
Providing solutions in the face of financial constraints
4. Monitoring the financial transactions and recording
Ensure that all transaction records with proof of transaction sesauai
Conducting a search following reports transaction evidence
5. Managing the tax affairs of the company
Ensure that all listed companies with paid tax in accordance with the provisions of the existing
Dealing with tax issues that may be encountered
6. Develop plans and development needs in the department of Human Resources and Finance ACC
Carry out evaluation and assessment team
Develop plan to increase the ability of the team through training and work perjenjangan functions / positions
Accommodate proposal, innovation, ideas and all team personnel


Male or female
Age max 37 years
At laest min education S1
Experience at least 2 years managerial level
Active English
Mastering Accounting policies & procedures and finance
Have a high-power analysis
Good Leadership
Strategic oriented
Physically and mentally healthy, honest
Having a personal vehicle

Closing Date: 29-Sep-13

PT ENFYSolution Medika

PT. ENFYSOLUTION MEDIKA merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa klinik kesehatan dan alat terapi kesehatan AllsBon. Perusahaan Kami sedang berkembang pesat dengan cabang yang tersebar di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia. Kami membutuhkan tenaga professional sebagai:

Marketing (Product Presentator) - Bandung (Jawa Barat)

Tanggung Jawab:
Mampu Menguasai Materi Presentasi Bidang Kesehatan & Alat aterapi
Mampu Handle Costumer ( Tamu Klinik )
Pendidikan minimal S1 jurusan Marketing / PR
Usia Minimal 25 Tahun.
Berpenampilan Menarik
Memiliki loyalitas yang tinggi
Mampu Bekerjasama Dalam Tim
Memiliki Kemampuan Komunikasi Yang Baik
Kirim lamaran lengkap dengan CV, Photo, Ijasah & Pilihan penempatan lokasi  kerja ke :

Jalan Surya Sarana Blok IIc/15, Sunrise, Kedoya Utara. Jakarta Barat

Closing date : 13 September 2013

Demikianlah informasi mengenai Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Di Bandung September 2013. Semoga lowongan ini menjadi batu loncatan anda untuk berkarir. Terima Kasih.

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